I saw a wolf. What should I do?

I want to protect my property

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Good practice examples

photo: Breeder Janez Kržič

High electric fences

Janez Kržič, a farmer from Prevalje pod Krimom, has been protecting his herd of forty goats with an enclosure with high electric fences since 2015. He received the fence from the LIFE DINALP BEAR project. He fences several different pastures, including those on rugged terrain, which represents a greater effort. He describes the usefulness of the protection measure as follows: “With conscientious and proper use of high electric fences, the grazing is possible also in the distant pastures, and in the large carnivore area. The key is to notice and eliminate every irregularity, that could enable large carnivores to trespass the enclosure.

photo: Breeder Andrej Sedmak

Livestock guarding dogs

The farmer Andrej Sedmak from Juršče near Pivka region, protects his herd of about 150 goats, sheep and donkeys, with livestock guardian dogs. In the nearest vicinity of the pasture, the presence of wolf pack and several individual brown bears is regularly recorded. His thoughts about the protection with livestock guardian dogs are as follows: “The livestock guardian dogs are very effective in deterring wolves. At night, they are constantly with the herd, are watchful and respond to the presence of an intruder. “Andrej Sedmak is not only a famer, but also a livestock guardian dog breeder. He describes his work as a breeder: “Working with dogs is interesting and dynamic, since it takes a lot of time to properly train the dog to its adulthood.”